By no means am I going to try and make this blog into a place for reviewing video games. Companies have been built and burned to the ground, in the pursuit of providing consumers un biased reviews and I only want to show you the new game that is blowing my mind. Bringing us to the topic at hand; inFamous. Sucker Punch Studios newest IP, inFamous tries to mash up the parkour, free running style of Sly Cooper, with the gritty, electrifying, adventure of a graphic novel. Across 4 days I was consumed by Cole and his journey through Empire City. It ran at around 15+ hours for me and I was at 70% complete when I finished the story. One thing that inFamous has embraced is the moral choice paradigm, where the choices the player makes affects their affinity between good or evil.
This in turn not only influences things in your enviroment, physical attributes and powers you possess, but changes the story as Cole can become one of two people. On my first spin through I chose the path of evil and before it was said and done Cole had become a shadow of his former self. For me, the fun was found in Cole's diverse powers and platforming abilities. His power allowed him to traverse building tops and city streets as quickly as the energy which powers him and when it comes to power, Cole possesses some of the most fun abilities any gamer could wish for. No spoilers here, but if the idea of grinding across a a power line while dropping electric grenades and picking off opponents with a well placed blast in the face sounds appealling, you should play it now.
*all images come from google image search
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