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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Marketing 101: Nintendo Information Center

Ah Nintendo, your ability to reach the common man and cause them to purchase copious amounts of useless peripherals, mini-game collections and arguably the best kart racer of all time knows no bound. With the Christmas Holiday vastly approaching and consumers pouring into malls, Nintendo has brought its Holiday line-up to consumers. You can read more about the campaign here, but I just wanted to say that this is why Nintendo is winning, because everything about their business model screams "accessibility". Do the hardcore enjoy that? Not so much. Many hardcore gamers play games because they like to feel challenged, but the Wii is all about feeling like you having fun without having to worry about “which of the 15 buttons do I push to make this damn game work”?! Its about interacting with friends and family around a TV (because lets face it, this friend code bullshit has got to go) and having a good time. New Super Mario Brothers Wii is following that, although I am not to sure what Nintendo's definition is of a good time, while my friends continue to grief me. Regardless, here is the information booth at Grapevine Mills - Grapevine, TX where Nintendo had games like Mario Kart, Guitar Hero 5, Wii Fit Plus, Wii Sports resort, Professor Layton, and Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Also, throw in some attractive young ladies to answer all your questions and you have sales. In fact, watch the Wii pull out ahead of the pack this December in hardware sales stateside and I would argue this is the reason. Now can I please have a "real" Zelda for Wii???

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