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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Unboxing: Xbox 360 Elite Holiday Bundle

After 2 long years of throwing loose change into a 1 gallon apple juice jug, I have decided to break the bank and go cash in on a new Xbox 360 Elite. As it so happens, 1 giant glass jug = $301.30 and since I was getting a 50 rebate from Microsoft, the warranty was free! Its not like I would take the chance on getting it without the warranty, since I have gone through 3 other Xbox's since launch (2 red ring, 1 disc drive). But even though the Pro was just replaced last Christmas, I still had the 20 gb Hard Drive and just could not take the space issue any longer. While the new Elite was about the same as the Pro, there were a couple differences.

  1. New games bundled with the holiday edition: Lego Batman and Pure. Although I had played them both once before, its still some free games, with achievements. For the whore in me.

  2. NO COMPONENT CABLE?! Damn, Microsoft can be pretty cheap sometimes, but really? There was still a standard a/v cable.

  3. It's black. well duh?!

  4. The a/c brick is much smaller. I figured since my Pro sku was less than a year old the internals would be the same, but obviously the Elite's power output must be different.

  5. And lastly, NO TRANSFER CABLE EITHER?! WTF Microsoft?! You can see one in the background, but that was only because I had to pay Microsoft $12 to ship it to me... Come on. Even the guy at my local retailer said that was pretty much the only way to find one, without buying the Hard Drive (weak sauce...). Anyway, enjoy the unboxing gallery below and find me on Xbox Live, Gamertag: SpeedracerUNT.

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