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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Play it NOW!: Batman Arkham Asylum

Lets face facts, superheroes and video games don't make for a tasty sunday (wordplay). Take the recent Wolverine game from Raven, sure its a movie licensed game so the constraints are different, but regardless, it ultimately is a shallow, misguided God of War clone. I liked it but I didn't love it. Batman on the other hand, LOVED IT! Here, let me count the ways:
  • The new art style is fab. Sure, it isn't my favorite, but it is different. Which is great because after so many iterations of the same character, it is good to have a fresh look. The unreal engine is not without its quirks though, since everyone in that game looks like they have been doing steroids.
  • Ambiance. Because there was nothing better than strolling through the cell blocks of Arkham, crushing inmates bones and ruining the Jokers night. Sound effects are spot on and voice acting is astonishing, with both Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprising their roles from the animated series.

  • Villians, Villians, Villians are everywhere. And at no time did it ever feel contrived or simply just thrown in. Some villians made the cut as actual enemies, others you may see pacing in their cells cursing your existence as you run onto the next task and even others are just part of the database provided in game. The Scarecrow is fucking awesome!!
  • Speaking of the database, the Riddler challenges add a feel of investigation to the whole game, as you scour the rooms for answers to riddles, riddler trophys, audio files and the ever amusing joker teeth. Much of this time is spent in detective vision, a kind of x-ray/nightvision which will help by providing clues. In completing these challenges, it unlocks more information on enemies, art and of course Achievements/Trophies.
  • I know I am rambling so to wrap it up, gameplay. Much like the Riddler challenges, combat tends to be room by room. Clear that room out, and move onto the next one, a la Metroid. Now there are two true combat modes: Free Flow and Predator. Free Flow is a simple hand to hand combat mode where; one button punches, another counters and another dodges. The more attacks you string together without being damaged, the more opportunities to inflict copius amounts of pain to your enemies.
  • But when those enemies have guns, Batman has to stick to the shadows, after all he isn't bullet proof. So gameplay changes to a more stealthy "Predator" mode, where you swing between gargoyles, hide in grates and use your various gadgets to eliminate your opponents one at a time. Also, as you eliminate these thugs, the Joker will taunt the remaining ones until the last guy is pissing in his pants in a corner.

    Long story, short answer: It makes you feel like Batman and if thats what your about, go play it now.

    *All images are the result of a Google image search


    1. I have this game and I love it. It's like Slayer's Reign in Blood, short, but crafted to perfection. A strong contender for the Game of the Year.

    2. Yeah this is a fabulous title. Not only is the story, voice acting and gameplay excellent, but with the inclusion of the challenge modes it has strong replay value.

      The combat is also some of the most satisfying I've come across.

    3. Yeah, the combat is most satisfying. The ability to build the tension between Batman and the guards really helps with the immersion. I love watching them start to freak out, before I knock them out.
